Run By Mahila Utkarsha Pratishthan
NAAC Accredited " C " Grade

Principal's Desk

InCharge Principal


Apart from the regular academic activities, various extra- curricular activities are conducted in our college to give community orientation to the students. Our college promotes social justice and good citizenship among students through their involvement in various extension activities. Besides our faculty we seek guidance of other academicians, professionals, government officers, community leaders, guest lecturers and so on. Activities carried out in our college such as Blood Group Detection Camps, Free Medical Check-up Camp, Voters Awareness Campaign, Awareness Campaign For Cleanliness and Sanitation (Swachha Bharat Abhiyan), Counseling on Child Marriages, Literacy Campaign, Tree Plantation, Vermicomposting, Rain Water Harvesting etc. helped in creating social awareness among students. Our N.S.S. unit has been one of the assets of our college promoting the spirit of social service among students. We are trying to strengthen our relationship with various stakeholders through Alumni meets, parents meet etc. Our ultimate aim is to make our students responsible citizens of our country. So we are trying to inculcate every student a sense of belongingness and social issues. Though our college is situated in the rural and backward area we are looking forward to carry out the entire academic and extra academic activities with same zeal, continuous improvement and innovations in future so as to give our students, value based education thereby to make them more employable and competent citizens of India. I am sure that with the support and co-operation of all the stakeholders we will be able to achieve our goals. ] Join [ Date : 2-Feb-2018 ]