Women Grievance Redressal Cell was established under the Act No.20 of 1990 of Govt of India. In order to maintain safety and security to the girls/women, a cell has been constituted for redressal of grievances. Our women/Girls grievance cell stays alert all the time to prevent any sexual abuse towards the students. If the students face any harassment from teachers, friend students or any unknown person(outside the institute), they can complain at us. The member will look into the issues and takes the necessary action against the guilty. We all focus on preventing this kind of harassment by using secret monitoring services, which keep a keen eye on the entire campus.


  1. Provide an exclusive platform to girl students
  2. To establish dignity, self-esteem and respect and friendly learning environment for girls without any gender bias.
  3. To hold meetings regularly.
  4. To equip the female students, faculty and staff members with knowledge of their legal rights.
  5. To incorporate hygiene habits and ensure a healthy atmosphere in and around college.
  6. To resolve common problems of girls students.
  7. To make every effort to ensure that girls feel at home.
  8. To help in individual cases of sexual harassment.
  9. To work on gender sensitization environment at our Institute.
  10. To educate girls student about women empowerment and organise awareness programmes at regular intervals.

Duties In case of sexual harassment in premises of the college, active assistance shall be provided to the complainant by the college to pursue the complaint and the safety of the complainant shall also be insured the college shall provide all the necessary assistance for the purpose of ensuring full effective and speedy implementation of these directions.